09-13【刘浩浩】五教5505 吴文俊重点实验室代数学系列报告之253


题目: Convolution of perverse sheaves on abelian varieties


时间:9月13日(星期五) 10:00-11:00

地点:五教 5505

摘要: Abelian varieties are projective varieties with a group structure. The group law induces a convolution operation for perverse sheaves, which are singular version of local systems.  Via the Tannakian formalism, Krämer and Weissauer assign a linear group  to each perverse sheaf.  Given a family of perverse sheaves, we show that the group of a very general perverse sheaf in the family is the same as the generic one. This is joint work with Anna Cadoret.