10-14【李会元】五教5206 Pointwise divergence-free novel spectral and spectral element methods for Maxwell equations on spherical domains


报告题目:Pointwise divergence-free novel spectral and spectral element methods for Maxwell equations on spherical domains

报告人:Huiyuan Li, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, BeijingChina

时  间:20241014日(周一)下午4:00 – 4:45

地  点:五教5206

摘要:In this talk, we first construct, on the basis of Hodge-Holmholtz decomposition theory, a complete system of curl-orthogonal vectorial polynomials exactly satisfying the divergence-free constraints on the unit ball.  Then we propose a pointwise divergence-free novel spectral approximation scheme for the double curl Maxwell equation.  Implementation is discribed in brief and numerical analysis is conducted in the sequel.  

Next, we extend our idea to propose a pointwise divergence-free novel spectral element method for the 3D mean-field dynamo equation on a spherical domain with a core zone together with the inner and outer spherical shell zones. Besides, a second order stiffly stable generalized BDF2 discretization is designed in time. At the same time, efficient algorithms for the fully discretized scheme is implemented with the help of the spherical harmonic transformation at each time step. Besides, we analysis the stability of the fully discretization scheme, then prove rigorously the optimal error estimate of the fully discrete scheme. Numerical experiments are finally carried out to validate our algorithms and main theory.

