11-08【马亚军】腾讯会议 吴文俊重点实验室代数学系列报告之255


题目:Model structures and Q-shaped derived category



腾讯会议:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/ZSrso7lUJmb0 #腾讯会议:670-996-910

摘要:In this talk, we first give an informal introduction to model structures. We then construct a flat model structure on the category of additive functors from a preadditive category satisfying certain conditions to the module category, whose homotopy category is the Q-shaped derived category introduced by Holm and Jørgensen. Finally, we describe Gorenstein projective objects on the functor category, and hence improve a result by Dell’Ambrogio, Stevenson and Št’ovíček. This is the joint work with Zhenxing Di, Liping Li and Li Liang.